Discord bot designed for guilds and event owners to track/manage SimpleMMO activity of members. This includes guild leaderboards, historical activity tracking, activity graphing, and much more.

Features are desgined and maintained to help improve guild activity and engagement. This means while there are certain features that work across multiple discord guilds, most guild related data such as historical statistics and other data such as pvp/pve kills are kept locked within the guild. This type of gap between guilds allows a more completitive nature as well as prevents others from using this tool to keep tabs of your members.

I look forward to adding new features to the bot as SMMO develops, helping create more interactive and engaging communities. As new features are developed they will be updated on my GitHub as well as mentioned on the Support Server. Please check them for future updates. You can also support my work by donations using the link below.

Getting Started

Check out the links below to get started and learn more!